Quotes about Animal Jam!

"Rares get you no where, it's the friends that make a difference"
"Don't let rares or other intimidating Jammers change who you are, stay who YOU are."
"If you get scammed or hacked, don't worry. Rares are not everything. It's how much fun and your friendship. Remember friends foever."
(More quotes to come soon)
If you have any quotes that you made up, comment down below and write your quote and user. I will post them when I can. (I will put your user under the quote you gave) =3


  1. If you get scammed or hacked, don't worry. rares are not everything. Its how much fun and you friendship.Remember friends foever.

  2. Scammers are not Real Jammers!
    We don't want dramaa in Jamaa!
    rares do not define the jammer, The Jamming defines the Jammers!

  3. Old, good quote: "Be a Jammer, not a scammer" :D

  4. most awesome online game ever
